On Being Jewish and Losing Both Parents in My Early 20s

On Being Jewish and Losing Both Parents in My Early 20s

Published in HeyAlma 8/1/22

I lost both of my parents two years apart when I was in my early 20s. The first years of grief were a blur of attempts at survival. I could see the “fun years” passing me by, like I was on a high-speed train to maturity and they were cows grazing in the distance. Meanwhile, my sister and I were plunged into the specifically terrible depths of logistical and bureaucratic hell that come with losing two parents too close together and too young.

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An Ode to ‘Housewife’ Jill Zarin, the Flawed Jewish Matriarch of Reality TV

An Ode to ‘Housewife’ Jill Zarin, the Flawed Jewish Matriarch of Reality TV

Published in Kveller, 7/6/22

Ask a rabbi to name the most important Jewish matriarch of the Torah, and they’ll cite a four-way tie between Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah.

Ask a pop culture fan to name the most important Jewish matriarch of reality TV, and with the same level of conviction as that hypothetical rabbi, they’ll say “Jill Zarin.”

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Five Tips For Landing Your Dream Job That Completely Ignore Motherhood

Five Tips For Landing Your Dream Job That Completely Ignore Motherhood

Originally published in Reductress 9/6/18

Going after your dream job may feel difficult, but it’s definitely not impossible! All it takes is a bit of focus, hard work, perseverance, and total disregard of the realities of motherhood and raising children in general…

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I’m Done Feeling Jealous Of Women With Nicer Butts To Poop Out Of

I’m Done Feeling Jealous Of Women With Nicer Butts To Poop Out Of

Originally published in Reductress 10/16/18

Like most women, I’ve always struggled with body insecurities. Ever since I can remember, I’ve judged parts of myself and believed they weren’t “good enough.” But recently, I decided enough is enough. I’m done buying into the oppressive standards of beauty created by the patriarchy to keep women from feeling like they deserve good things. As of today, I am officially done feeling jealous of women with nicer butts to poop out of…

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How To Embrace Your Unique Beauty After Realizing Your Guy Exclusively Dates Women Who Look Like You

 How To Embrace Your Unique Beauty After Realizing Your Guy Exclusively Dates Women Who Look Like You

Originally published in Reductress 7/11/17

Given society’s unattainable beauty standards, there’s nothing more empowering than embracing what makes you…you! That is, until you look up all of your guy’s former flames on social media and realize the traits that makes you you also completely resembles them. When you discover you’re a man’s freakishly specific type, you may question your individuality. But here’s how to embrace your unique beauty, even though you just realized that your guy exclusively dates women who look exactly like you

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How To Be A Supportive Friend While Still Derailing Her Diet

How To Be A Supportive Friend While Still Derailing Her Diet

Originally published in Reductress 11/2/16

Which characteristics make a great friend? Loyalty, reliability, empathy and, supportiveness in times of need. So when your girlfriend is in trouble, it’s important to be there by her side while also completely sabotaging her diet. Here’s how to show your friend you totally have her while simultaneously sending her diet off the rails with a bag of doughnuts.

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Choices Every Woman Needs To Make On Her Own Time Right Now

Choices Every Woman Needs To Make On Her Own Time Right Now

Originally published in Reductress 8/12/16

Life as a modern woman is fraught with the perils of decision-making. From love to career, religion to politics, every aspect of our lives feels weighed down by big decisions. And while you should take all the time you need to make life’s biggest decisions, you really need to make them right fucking now.

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Fun Girls’ Night Ideas Because He Blew You Off

Fun Girls’ Night Ideas Because He Blew You Off

Originally published in Reductress 8/9/16

Men may come and go, but your girlfriends are forever. So next time you’ve scheduled your entire day around a date and already taken an hour to get ready before he suddenly blows you off, use this opportunity to frantically text all your friends, see who can meet up, and make it a girls’ night that you won’t forget!

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Romantic Date Ideas For Your Friends In Healthy Relationships

Romantic Date Ideas For Your Friends In Healthy Relationships

Originally published in Reductress 8/3/16

Trapped in the same old date night routine? Maybe that’s because you’re in an unhealthy relationship pattern, and this is just one of many signals that you two either need to reflect or simply call things off. No romantic dates for you! But, for your friends in healthy relationships, we’ve got a few fantastic date night ideas, so pass these along!

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Five Clever Catcall Responses Because That’s Our Job Too Now, Apparently

Five Clever Catcall Responses Because That’s Our Job Too Now, Apparently

Originally published in Reductress 8/2/16

Catcalling: you might find it scary, saddening or just plain annoying, but it’s a universally frustrating experience for all women. So what’s the solution? No one knows and men don’t seem to care. So here are five clever catcall responses that will make you ask, “Is this my job?” and the answer is yes, apparently so?

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